Pictures from the Aftermath

I wanted to just share a few pictures of what things were like when we came up from the basement. I can’t take credit for these shots.  My husband is the keen eye behind these as he ventured out to see if people needed help.
Car and treetop

My car in relation to the tree

This shot shows you how close the treetop fell in relation to where my car was parked. It’s absoluately amazing that my car was only inches from the branches.  What you can’t see is the car that was hit by this massive tree. Needless to say that car was totaled out and the owner is now driving a new vehicle.
The following are some of the shots my husband took as he walked around his city. These were very emotional for him as many of them represent locations that were significant to him growing up.

Eastside Baptist Church


This was once a house on Hwy 278Standing on Hwy 278

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