I Just Don’t Understand

Sometimes life just doesn’t make sense to me.

Circumstances don’t go as I thought, decisions other people make affect me,  decisions I have made don’t equal the outcome I rationalized.

Two months ago, I a tumor was removed from my neck. Nerves would be damaged in its removal but it was to  be minor and temporary. They didn’t know the tumor was larger, more agressive, and stickier than they thought. All of this resulted in more nerve damage, a longer recovery, and more therapy than was originally expected.

 I just wasn’t prepared for the struggles I am enduring because of it.

As of last week, it was confirmed  that the combination of a lack of movement in my vocal chords and esphophagus muscle are causing me to have a weak voice and an inability to swallow much more than liquids and soft foods.

I hesitate to share this only because in my mind, I believe my life could be much worse.  But the reality of living like this for the rest of my life, challenges me. It challenges me because I can’t eat normally. I choke on most of the food I try to intake and often times on liquids.  It’s difficult to eat in public and often I hope the person I am eating with knows how to do the Heimlich, should I need it.

The only solution they have for me right now are temporary solutions.

It is the only thing that can be done (except a mircaculous healing from God) to help get my voice to return and to allow me to start swallowing a bit more normally again until my nerves wake up are injections in my vocal chords and esophagus.  Temporary solutions for a long term recovery process.

I don’t understand why this has happened to me.  I have absolutely no control over the ability to improve my life, to change what I am doing, or to help heal myself. I am at the mercy of my sleeping nerves, my doctors, and God deciding when the time is right for my nerves to wake.

In Phil 4:6  it says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Right after that verse is another one that says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

God has shown me something new in this and wanted to share it with you. In v. 6 it says we are to present our requests to God and not to be anxious about anything. Then verse 7 says His peace (He gives you) will transcend all understanding and will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Until recently, peace has been a foreign concept to me. I never full grasped what it meant to have real peace.

Here is the part that rocked my world.

That verse says “His peace transcends all understanding” which means I am not meant to understand! I don’t know about you, but that just frees me up big time.

There are just something on this earth that we are going to go through that are not going to make sense to us.

God says, “I know it, sweet child, and though you don’t understand it, if you would present your requests to me I’ll give you peace in return; it will transcend your understanding of this situation.”

That’s really what makes the second part of verse 7 make sense. It is a bit strange if you don’t understand the first.  It says, “guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.” Huh? What’s that got to do with anything? Well, it means, you will more than likely get anxious, like v. 6 mentions. Anxiety comes when we worry, when we try to make sense out of things, when we try to take control and figure everything out. God is saying to us “Guard yourself against the temptations that will come up to do that. Instead, in turn that over to Me, surrendering your requests, your needs, your concerns over to Me, I’ll give you peace.”

Don’t know about you, but I’ll take it.  Trying to make sense out of some of the things that happen to us in this world, I can’t make sense out of it.  So instead, I’m going to turn all of that over to God, let Him deal with it and I’ll take peace in its place.

Your turn. Is there something that you need to turn over to God.  Requests you have, unmet needs? Have you experienced something like this before that you’d like to share with others?  I want to hear about it, comment below.

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5 Responses to I Just Don’t Understand

  1. Mandy Majors says:

    Dawn — I’m so sorry your recovery has not gone as expected. I’ll be praying for you! This is beautiful — those verses are a couple of my favorite, thanks for this post!

  2. Dawn Owens says:

    It’s just amazing how God uses time like this to take us deeper into His word and reveal more of Himself to us. Honestly Mandy, I don’t know if I’d understood these verse like this, if I wasn’t going through what I have been.

  3. Kristin Marks says:

    I am continuing to pray for your complete healing, Dawn. God is continuing to work through you and on you. I pray that he will touch your body and make you whole again.

    And, yes, for the past 18 months I have been struggling with these same thoughts. It isn’t fair. Why me (Ben)? What is God thinking? and so on. But, I am learning to trust and lean more on God. That Ben may not hear 100% and may have some other issues (that we are still learning about), but he is our beautiful, happy, sweet son that God blessed us with. He is perfect for us and we will teach him and support him just like we do with Emily and Cate. Do I know what God was thinking by giving us a child with special needs? No. Do I need to know? No. But I DO need to trust Him and rely on HIM to help us through.

    Remember that even though it is frustrating and hurtful and so not fair, that God hears you. He loves you and knows what is best for you.

    And, to go along with the church family post, I am so glad that you have that. You know my family isn’t close either and I’ve had to rely on our friends for so much these past 18 months. With Dallas traveling 90% of the year last year, I was on my own for a lot of difficult doctor appointments. God graciously placed people in our lives that were willing to go with me to the doctors so I wouldn’t be alone and even watch the girls. Don’t be hesitant to ask for help. (This is one I struggle HORRIBLY with!!!). I figure that one of these days, I will be able to return the favor. 🙂

    So, take care, Dawn. Know that you are being prayed for even far away.

  4. Kristen, I am so glad that what God has been teaching me has ministered to you. You have been going through some tough stuff lately. I do have a thought to your comments about what God was thinking about giving you a child with special needs. If anyone could take care of a child with special needs in a loving, caring, nurturing way it’s you. You are so patient, loving, tender-hearted, and an absoluately amazing Mom. If God didn’t give Ben to you, who? Who could have done a better job at it than you can? God knows that. I know that, I bet you there are others that know it too.

    Love you Kristen. Thanks for your prayers, know they are reciprocated. Thanks for reading my blog and being willing to share your struggles as well. It’s amazing the things technology has offered us in way of connection, even when we are miles away from one another.

  5. Wow, girl, this has been my lifeline verse. It truly IS beyond comprehension. Now I’m clinging to Him for my family. I can’t really share here all that’s transpired since we met in May, but I’m hopeful that my family will be repaired and made stronger. He IS a God of peace, and He hears all our requests. It’s only by His grace that we can patiently wait for the answers to come in His time and in His way. His PEACE is everlasting!!

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